action script test.php Thanks "Thanks for submitting your billing data. We will contact you in the next days. You can now close this web page." Fieldset "NASAC share information" wiki "This form provides a simple way to submit/update your billing information for the //NAS Académique// (NASAC). \\ \\ " wiki "\\ The email of the owner (so we can identify you); must be an address)" Textbox "Current owner email" /^[-\w\d\.]+@unige\.ch$/ wiki "\\ The share name as you received by email (/my-share-name)" textbox "Share name" /^[-\w\d\/\\_]+$/ wiki "\\ The billing number or 'code d'imputation' for 2020" textbox "Billing number" /^[-\w\d\/_,\.; ]+$/ wiki "\\ (Optional) If you are not the correct owner of the share, please provide the new owner's email." textbox "New share owner email (optional)" ! /^[-\w\d\.]+@unige\.ch$/ submit "Submit information"