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Open you vm

The resize is not available when the vm is ON Before changing hardware configuration you need to turn of the VM

You can turn off by using SSH or the web interface :

  • “Send the power off signal” will send a signal to the VM to do a proper shutdown
  • “Power off the machine” will power off the machine similar than removing the computer power. This should be use only if the “Send the power off signal” don't work.

The status is now powering off :

Press the double arrow to refresh the status until the status is OFF :

Now you can click on Resize button to add or remove resources :

Update the values :

And click on Resize

Now just power on the VM by pressing the arrow button

iaas/modifyvmcpuram.1590492918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/26 11:35 by Sylvain Huwiler