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<form> action script test.php Thanks “Thanks for submitting your billing data.”

Fieldset “NASAC share information” Textbox “Owner email” “=Your email address” static “The email of the owner (so we can identify you)” textbox “New share owner (optional)” ! static “If you are not the correct owner of the share, please provide the new owner's email.” textbox “Share path” “=/my-share-name” static “The share name as you received by email (/my-share-name)” textbox “Billing number (code d'imputation)” “” static “The billing number or code d'imputation for 2020” textbox “Notes (optional)” ! submit “Submit billing information” </form>

nasac/billing.1607338097.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 10:48 by Massimo Brero