Please follow these steps:
You can use the three clusters, but see this link to help you choose the right cluster.
Yes, according the terms of use you must include at least:
"The computations were performed at University of Geneva using Baobab HPC service."
There could be several reasons for the cluster to slow down. It’s important to figure out where the slowness is happening:
What You Can Do: Make sure you’re not contributing to the slowdown. Use the `htop` command on the login node to check CPU usage. If you see that all the CPUs are in use, take a screenshot and send it to us at so we can look into it.
The message is about the fact that the high performance computing serice known as Baobab will become a paid service after a free quota has been used. We sent the announcement to two mailing lists:
If you are a UNIGE member or have a switcheduid account, you can unsubscribe from the “hpc-community” list on sympa web interface.
An alternate method is to send an email to with the following mail body “UNSUBSCRIBE hpc-community”. This mail must be sent using the email you wish to unsubscribe from.
If you are not a UNIGE member or if none of the previous steps worked, please send a request to, subject: “please unsubscribe me from the hpc-community mailing list”.
Please note that you can't unsubscribe from the “baobab-announce” list if you still have an account on the Baobab.
If you have access to one of the clusters, you can use the sshare
(baobab)-[root@admin1 ~]$ sshare -a -A <your_isis_username> Account User RawShares NormShares RawUsage EffectvUsage FairShare -------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ---------- isis_pi 41 0.014594 73169235 0.031775 0.221089 isis_pi user1 1 0.000768 130935 0.000239 0.805648 isis_pi user2 1 0.000768 5069653 0.000300 0.762562 isis_pi user3 1 0.000768 0 0.000000 1.000000 isis_pi user4 1 0.000768 0 0.000000 1.000000 isis_pi user5 1 0.000768 1707102 0.000285 0.773432 [...]
You can also use OpenXDmoD to check user usage. Note that the list may be incomplete: for example, if a registered user has never used the cluster in the time period you specify, they won't appear at all.
You can use sacctmgr for that purpose
sacctmgr show assoc where parent=<your_deptartment_name> cluster=baobab format=account
If you don't know the name of your departement as registered in our cluster, you can list them by faculty:
sacctmgr show assoc where parent=sciences cluster=baobab format=account Account ---------- astro biad biani bicel [...]
We have a tutorial which explain how to do that.
Unfortunately, it seems that you need to do this operation for each partition separately.
User authentication isn't available at the moment. You can access all metrics without authentication. In the future, you'll be able to connect using your switcheduid credentials, with the benefit of being able to create custom dashboards.
The PI must be seen as a project. You can be part of two projects, and when you submit a job to the cluster, you can specify which project to charge to using the --account
The Baobab service is free for courses as long as the usage is low and for a defined period of time. Check How our clusters work.
* If you have a non student account (Phd, postdoc, researcher), your account will expire at the same time your contract expire at UNIGE. Right now, there is a grace period after the end of your contract of around 6 months.
command:(baobab)-[yourusername@login2 ~]$ chage -l yourusername Last password change : Apr 01, 2022 Password expires : never Password inactive : never Account expires : never Minimum number of days between password change : 0 Maximum number of days between password change : 99999 Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
Unlike Windows systems, Linux and Unix systems do not display any characters (not even *) when you enter your password in a terminal. The field remains blank, and the cursor will not move.
Simply type your password and press Enter. Your connection should be successful.
Please be cautious not to mistype your password multiple times, as you may be temporarily blocked (see below).
We employ fail2ban
on the clusters to prevent brute-force attacks.
If you enter the wrong password three times consecutively, you will be banned for 15 minutes (fail2ban
will blacklist your IP address). After 15 minutes, you can attempt to connect again.
If you are still unable to connect after 15 minutes, please contact us with the following information:
It means the specified hostname cannot be found, either due to a typo or because the DNS can't resolve it.
PS: Keep in mind that baobab2 has been decommissioned for 2 years.
Connection refused
This may occur because you attempted to connect multiple times with incorrect credentials (e.g., wrong username or password), causing your IP address to be blacklisted. Your IP address will be automatically unblocked after 15 minutes.
Please note that your Baobab/Yggdrasil password is the same as your ISIS password, which we do not manage. If you forgot your password or need to verify it, please use the following service:
No, your Baobab/Yggdrasil/Bamboo password is your ISIS password, and we do not manage it.
If you forgot your password or need to verify it, please use the following service:
For more informations please refer to ssh PublicKey page.
There are three possible reasons why you may not be able to connect:
, or
, or if port 22 is blocked. you can receive this message : ssh: connect to port 22: Connection timed out
We have already identified a number of common problems:
# >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup="$('/path/to/your/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval "$__conda_setup" else if [ -f "/path/to/your/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then . "/path/to/your/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" else export PATH="/path/to/your/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" fi fi unset __conda_setup # <<< conda initialize <<<
For detailed information on all storage-related topics, please refer to our Storage page. This page provides comprehensive guidance on file storage, recovery, and managing storage space efficiently.
If you need to store a large amount of data, consider using the “Academic NAS” service, which you can find here: Academic NAS.
To access a shared directory, you need to be added to the appropriate group.
Please send an email to including relevant information (Uusername, Group, private_partion etc…) with the responsible person for the share or partition in CC. The responsible person must approve the modification.
You can find information about available applications here
Please check this documentation.
Baobab is a GNU/Linux only machine, like the majority of academic clusters. If you have a windows software that could run on a Windows cluster, contact us at, perhaps we could find some solutions.
Yes we can install it, but you should pay the required license. Send us a request at
No, please check the Apptainer documentation.
If you run a program and it crashes with an error “Illegal instruction”
the reason is probably because
you have compiled your program on Baobab login node and your program is running on an older compute node
on which the CPU lacks some specialized functionality that were used during the compilation.
You have two possibilities:
You need to distinguish between the system-installed Python package and the Python versions provided by module
or easybuild
. Since we support a variety of software needs for our users, we use module to manage different software versions, including multiple Python versions. To switch between them, you can use the module command to load the specific Python version you need.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Versions: Python/2.7.11 [...] Python/3.11.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For detailed information about a specific "Python" package (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name. Note that names that have a trailing (E) are extensions provided by other modules. For example: $ module spider Python/3.11.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No, you cannot load two versions of the same software simultaneously. Additionally, if two software packages depend on different GCC versions, you will not be able to load them at the same time.
In this case you need to check if there is another version available compatible with the toolchain (GCC
, foss
etc…) you want to use. If not, please refer to The software I need is not available on Clusters: what should I do ?.
Slurm is a job scheduling system used to manage and allocate resources in a computing cluster. It helps you submit, monitor, and control jobs (tasks) on the cluster. Please take a moment to review this very important section: Slurm and job management
As a reminder: It is forbidden to run heavy compute jobs on the login nodes, you must use a compute node instead.
Have a look at this scheduler “rosetta stone”, available here:
No never. You must use SLURM to run any test. The debug
partition is dedicated to small tests.
See our documentation about Slurm Partitions.
No. Unfortunately you can't. If we raised this limit, you will have to wait longer before having your pending jobs started. We think that the 4 days limit is a good trade-off.
However there could be two work-around if you experience an issue with this limit:
See here
To get the priority calculation details of the jobs in the pending queue, you can use the command: sprio -w
. You can also have a look at the weights, by typing sprio -l
Yes, you can. But it is really awkward because you cannot be sure when your job will start.
See Interactive jobs
You may be interesting about OpenOnDemand which provide a graphical to start Interactive session ( JupyterLab, MatLab, VScode, R etc…)
In that case you can use the job arrays feature of SLURM. Please, have a look at the documentation Job array
Indeed, we are reserving two cores per node for system tasks such as data transfer, and os stuff.
(yggdrasil)-[root@admin1 ~]$ scontrol show node cpu001 NodeName=cpu001 Arch=x86_64 CoresPerSocket=18 CPUAlloc=0 CPUEfctv=34 CPUTot=36 CPULoad=0.01 AvailableFeatures=GOLD-6240,XEON_GOLD_6240,V9 ActiveFeatures=GOLD-6240,XEON_GOLD_6240,V9 Gres=(null) NodeAddr=cpu001 NodeHostName=cpu001 Version=23.02.1 OS=Linux 4.18.0-477.10.1.el8_8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 16 11:38:37 UTC 2023 RealMemory=187000 AllocMem=0 FreeMem=185338 Sockets=2 Boards=1 CoreSpecCount=2 CPUSpecList=17,35 <==================== this means we have two specialization cores <<<< State=IDLE ThreadsPerCore=1 TmpDisk=150000 Weight=10 Owner=N/A MCS_label=N/A Partitions=debug-cpu BootTime=2023-08-10T12:08:11 SlurmdStartTime=2023-08-10T12:09:00 LastBusyTime=2023-08-11T10:06:42 ResumeAfterTime=None CfgTRES=cpu=34,mem=187000M,billing=34 AllocTRES= CapWatts=n/a CurrentWatts=0 AveWatts=0 ExtSensorsJoules=n/s ExtSensorsWatts=0 ExtSensorsTemp=n/s
If you really need to use all the cores of a compute node, you can override this parameter: –core-spec=0
. This will implicitly lead to an exclusive allocation of the node.
To use a private Slurm partition, you need to be added to the appropriate group.
Please send an email to including relevant information (Uusername, Group, private_partion etc…) with the responsible person for the share or partition in CC. The responsible person must approve the modification.
Please refer to this keymap-issues-with-nx-from-mac-os-x for a potential solution.
-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory
You can resolve this issue by following Step #1 here.
Please ensure that you close all open terminals on your Mac and relaunch them.
Can't connect to X11
This issue likely arises because Xorg is no longer provided natively on macOS. You need to install XQuartz.
Refer to this solution: macOS High Sierra and X11 Forwarding.
Please follow these links for support:
Ensure that you are using the email address linked to your Switch edu-ID account.
Please also note that your ISIS (UNIGE) password and your Switch edu-ID password are not the same. Verify that you are using the correct password when logging in.