Table of Contents
GitLab User Documentation
Welcome on the UNIGE GitLab documentation. You will find here all the information you need to use the UNIGE GitLab instance.
- if you are looking for the upstream documentation of the UNIGE GitLab running instance.
- if you need to contact the team behind GitLab.
Please see the UNIGE official formations at Source code management with Git.
is open to the whole Swiss educational audience via SWITCHaai (UNIGE members should use their ISIs credentials) and to any non-academic entity via SWITCH edu-ID (free registration required) . For this reason, password authentication has been deactivated.
Git clone/push/pull
are available:
- via SSH (see ) after either the user has added a key in the GitLab profile settings or one of the project administrators has set up a Deploy Key in the GitLab project interface (see )
- via HTTPS after the user has generated a Personal Access Token in the GitLab profile settings (see ) or one of the project administrators has set up a Deploy Token in the GitLab project interface (see )
Access to each resource is directly managed per (sub)group or project via the web interface (see ).
To easy access management, you should think in a hierarchical terms from the very beginning:
- create a top-level group with the least possible members (basically, only the administrators)
- inside this group, create sub-groups or projects with specific permissions
- they can not create groups or projects
- read access to private or internal projects must be explicitly granted
- read access to public projects is permitted
- write access to any project must be explicitly granted
By default, the following settings apply to any internal users:
- maximum number of projects: 20
- maximum size of a single project: 100MB
- maximum size of an attachment: 10MB
- maximum size of a single
git push
: 1MB
Please contact the UNIGE GitLab administrators (see ) if you need more resources.
The UNIGE GitLab instance is based on the upstream Community Edition (cf., since until now no Enterprise features have been needed after various evaluation.
Of the CE-included feature, the UNIGE GitLab instance does not support the following ones:
- CI/CD shared runners (cf.
Project visibility
By default, each project is private , i.e. they can only be cloned and viewed by project members.
For more details, please check the corresponding section of the upstream documentation of the UNIGE GitLab instance.
How to validate your GitLab UNIGE email address
The link contained in the e-mail from the address GitLab
sent to your email address is valid for three days.
After this time, you must request a confirmation again by yourself.
Please do not attempt to authenticate yourself by clicking on the Sign in
link on this page!
Here are the procedures for both cases:
Email address confirmation within the three days deadline
- open the confirmation e-mail with
Confirmation instructions
subject fromGitLab
- click on
Confirm your email address
link- here's an example of a confirmation link:
- you will be automatically authenticated and you will obtain the following message confirming your e-mail address validation:
Email address confirmation after the three-day deadline
- open the confirmation e-mail with
Confirmation instructions
subject fromGitLab
- click on
Confirm your email address
link- here's an example of a confirmation link:
- on this page you will obtain the following error message explaining that the deadline has been exceeded:
- in the email field below error message, input again your email address to be confirmed
- click on the
button - as soon you receive your new confirmation e-mail, follow the steps in the previous paragraph (Email address confirmation within the three days deadline).
External resources
Learn Git with a game:
Git Windows client
SPC VCS courses
You did something wrong with Git? This site may help you: