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hpc:accounting [2024/09/26 12:31] Yann Sagonhpc:accounting [2025/03/13 09:57] (current) – [Report and statistics with sreport] Yann Sagon
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 When you submit jobs, they are using physical resources such as CPUs, Memory, Network, GPUs, Energy etc. We keep track of the usage of some of those resource. On this page we'll let you know how to consult your usage of the resource. We have several tools that you can use to consult your utilization: sacct, sreport, openxdmod When you submit jobs, they are using physical resources such as CPUs, Memory, Network, GPUs, Energy etc. We keep track of the usage of some of those resource. On this page we'll let you know how to consult your usage of the resource. We have several tools that you can use to consult your utilization: sacct, sreport, openxdmod
-===== Job accounting ===== 
-If you are interested by your HPC usagegroup usagewait timeetcwe have the right tool for youOpen XDMoD.+===== Comparison of sreportsacctand sshare ===== 
 +We use **sreport** as our primary accounting reference. Howeveryou may find other tools useful for specific purposesHere's a comparison:
-We track job usage of our clusters here  * **sacct**Displays only account jobs, excluding time allocated via reservations. If duplicate jobs exist, only one is shown. 
 +  * **sreport**By default, jobs with wall times overlapping the report's time range are truncatedFor reservation-based jobs, the requested idle time is distributed among all users with access to the reservation. 
 +  * **sshare**: Not recommended for accounting purposes; displayed values are adjusted based on fairshare calculations.
-We have a tutorial that explains some features: [[ Resource accounting uniformization ===== 
 +We charge usage uniformly by converting GPU hours and memory usage into CPU hour equivalents, leveraging the [[|TRESBillingWeights]] functionality provided by SLURM.  
 +A CPU hour represents one hour of processing time by a single CPU core.  
 +For GPUs, SLURM assigns a conversion factor to each GPU model through TRESBillingWeights (see below the conversion table), reflecting its computational performance relative to a CPU. Similarly, memory usage is also converted into CPU hour equivalents based on predefined weights, ensuring that jobs consuming significant memory resources are accounted for fairly.  
 +For example, a job using a GPU with a weight of 10 for 2 hours and memory equivalent to 5 CPU hours would be billed as 25 CPU hours. This approach ensures consistent, transparent, and fair resource accounting across all heterogeneous components of the cluster. 
 +You can see the detail of the conversion by looking at the parameter of a random partition on any of the clusters. We are using the same conversion table everywhere. 
 +(bamboo)-[root@slurm1 ~]$ scontrol show partition debug-cpu | grep TRESBillingWeights | tr "," "\n" 
 +   TRESBillingWeights=CPU=1.0 
 +Here you can see for example that using a gpu nvidia_a100-pcie-40gb for 1 hour is equivalent in term of cost to use 5 CPUhour. 
 +===== Resources available for research group ===== 
 +Research groups that have invested in the HPC cluster by purchasing private CPU or GPU nodes benefit from high priority access to these resources.  
 +While these nodes remain available to all users, owners receive priority scheduling and a designated number of included compute hours per year.  
 +To check the details of their owned resources, users can run the script '''', which provides a summary of the node characteristics within the cluster. 
 +<code> --partitions private-<group>-gpu private-<group>-cpu --cluster <cluster> --summary 
 +host    sn             cpu    mem    gpunumber    gpudeleted  gpumodel                      gpumemory  purchasedate      months remaining in prod. (Jan 2025)    billing 
 +------  -----------  -----  -----  -----------  ------------  --------------------------  -----------  --------------  --------------------------------------  --------- 
 +cpu084  N-20.02.151     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu085  N-20.02.152     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu086  N-20.02.153     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu087  N-20.02.154     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu088  N-20.02.155     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu089  N-20.02.156     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu090  N-20.02.157     36    187            0                                                    0  2020-02-01                                                   79 
 +cpu209  N-17.12.104     20     94            0                                                    0  2017-12-01                                                   41 
 +cpu210  N-17.12.105     20     94            0                                                    0  2017-12-01                                                   41 
 +cpu211  N-17.12.106     20     94            0                                                    0  2017-12-01                                                   41 
 +cpu212  N-17.12.107     20     94            0                                                    0  2017-12-01                                                   41 
 +cpu213  N-17.12.108     20     94            0                                                    0  2017-12-01                                                   41 
 +cpu226  N-19.01.161     20     94            0                                                    0  2019-01-01                                                   41 
 +cpu227  N-19.01.162     20     94            0                                                    0  2019-01-01                                                   41 
 +cpu228  N-19.01.163     20     94            0                                                    0  2019-01-01                                                   41 
 +cpu229  N-19.01.164     20     94            0                                                    0  2019-01-01                                                   41 
 +cpu277  N-20.11.131    128    503            0                                                    0  2020-11-01                                          10        251 
 +gpu002  S-16.12.215     12    251            5              NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal)           12288  2016-12-01                                                   84 
 +gpu012  S-16.12.216     24    251            8              NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti        11264  2016-12-01                                                  108 
 +gpu017  S-20.11.146    128    503            8              NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090           24576  2020-11-01                                          10        299 
 +gpu023  S-21.09.121    128    503            8              NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080           10240  2021-09-01                                          20        283 
 +gpu024  S-21.09.122    128    503            8              NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080           10240  2021-09-01                                          20        283 
 +gpu044  S-23.01.148    128    503            8              NVIDIA RTX A5000                  24564  2023-01-01                                          36        299 
 +gpu047  S-23.12.113    128    503            8              NVIDIA RTX A5000                  24564  2023-12-01                                          47        299 
 +gpu049  S-24.10.140    128    384            8              NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090           24564  2024-10-01                                          57        291 
 +============================================================ Summary ============================================================ 
 +Total CPUs: 1364 Total CPUs memory[GB]: 6059 Total GPUs: 61 Total GPUs memory[MB]: 142300 Billing: 1959 CPUhours per year: 10.30M 
 +How to read the output: 
 +  * **host**: the hostname of the compute node 
 +  * **sn**: the serial number of the node 
 +  * **cpu**: the number of CPUs available in the node 
 +  * **mem**: the quantity of memory on the node in GB 
 +  * **gpunumber**: the number of GPU cards on the node 
 +  * **gpudeleted**: the number of GPU cards out of order 
 +  * **gpumodel**: the GPU model 
 +  * **gpumemory**: the GPU memory in MB per GPU card 
 +  * **purchasedate**: the purchase date of the node 
 +  * **months remaining in prod. (Jan 2025)**: the number of months the node remains the property of the research group, the reference date is indicated in parenthesis. In this example it is January 2025. 
 +  * **billing**: the [[hpc:accounting#resource_accounting_uniformization|billing]] value of the compute node 
 +You can modify the reference year if you want to "simulate" the hardware you'll have in your private partition in a given year. To do so, use the argument ''<nowiki>--reference-year</nowiki>'' of the script. 
 +===== Job accounting ===== 
 +==== OpenXDMoD ==== 
 +We track the job usage of our clusters here: 
 +We have a tutorial explaining some of the features: [[
 |here]] |here]]
-If you want to have more details, you need to loginThis instance isn't integrated with our SI right now+Openxdmod is integrated into our SI. When you connect to it, you'll get the profile "user" and the data are filtered by your user by default. If you are a PI, you can ask us to change your profile to be PI. 
-In order to get an account, you need to clik on "sign in" top left of the page and then on  "Don't have an account?"+ 
 +==== sacct ==== 
 +You can see your job history using ''sacct'': 
 +[sagon@master ~] $ sacct -u $USER -S 2021-04-01 
 +       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode 
 +------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 
 +45517641        jobname  debug-cpu   rossigno          1     FAILED      2:0      batch              rossigno          1     FAILED      2:0 
 +45517641.ex+     extern              rossigno          1  COMPLETED      0:0 
 +45517641.0            R              rossigno          1     FAILED      2:0 
 +45518119        jobname  debug-cpu   rossigno          1  COMPLETED      0:0      batch              rossigno          1  COMPLETED      0:0 
 +45518119.ex+     extern              rossigno          1  COMPLETED      0:0 
 +==== Report and statistics with sreport ==== 
 +To get reporting about your past jobs, you can use ''sreport'' (
 +We wrote a helper that you can use to get your past resource usage on the cluster. This script can display the resource utilization  
 +  * for each user of a given account (PI)  
 +  * total usage of a given account (PI) 
 +(baobab)-[sagon@login1 ~]$ -h 
 +usage: [-h] [--user USER] [--start START] [--end END] [--pi PI] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--all_users] [--report_type {user,account}] [--time_format TIME_FORMAT] [--verbose] 
 +Retrieve HPC utilization statistics for a user within a specified time range. 
 +  -h, --help            show this help message and exit 
 +  --user USER           The username to retrieve utilization for. 
 +  --start START         Start date (default: first day of current month). 
 +  --end END             End date (default: current time). 
 +  --pi PI               Specify the PI (account) manually (optional). If not provided, it will be auto-detected. 
 +  --cluster CLUSTER     Specify the cluster manually (optional). If not provided, all the clusters will be selected. 
 +  --all_users           If you want to see utilization of all users of a given account (PI) 
 +  --report_type {user,account} 
 +                        Report type: UserUtilizationByAccount or AccountUtilizationByUser 
 +  --time_format TIME_FORMAT 
 +                        Specify the time formt for the reporting. Default is by hours. You can use Minutes or Seconds 
 +  --verbose             Print verbose msgs 
 +By default when you run this script, it will print your past usage of the current month, for all the accounts you are member of. 
 +=== sreport examples === 
 +Here are some examples that can give you a starting point : 
 +To get the number of jobs you ran (you <=> ''$USER''in 2018 (dates in yyyy-mm-dd format) : 
 +<code console> 
 +[brero@login2 ~]$ sreport job sizesbyaccount user=$USER PrintJobCount start=2018-01-01 end=2019-01-01 
 +Job Sizes 2018-01-01T00:00:00 - 2018-12-31T23:59:59 (31536000 secs) 
 +Units are in number of jobs ran 
 +  Cluster   Account     0-49 CPUs   50-249 CPUs  250-499 CPUs  500-999 CPUs  >= 1000 CPUs % of cluster  
 +--------- --------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------  
 +   baobab      root           180            40                        15                  100.00% 
 +You can see how many jobs were run (grouped by allocated CPU). You can also see we  specified an extra day for the //end date// ''end=2019-01-01'' in order to cover the whole year : 
 +<code>Job Sizes 2018-01-01T00:00:00 - 2018-12-31T23:59:59''</code> 
 +You can also check how much CPU time (seconds) you have used on the cluster between since 2019-09-01 : 
 +<code console> 
 +[brero@login2 ~]$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser user=$USER start=2019-09-01 -t Seconds 
 +Cluster/Account/User Utilization 2019-09-01T00:00:00 - 2019-09-09T23:59:59 (64800 secs) 
 +Usage reported in CPU Seconds 
 +  Cluster         Account     Login     Proper Name     Used   Energy  
 +--------- --------------- --------- --------------- -------- --------  
 +   baobab        rossigno     brero   BRERO Massimo     1159        0  
 +In this example, we added the time ''-Seconds'' parameter to have the output in seconds. //Minutes// or //Hours// are also possible. 
 +Please note : 
 +  * By default, the CPU time is in Minutes 
 +  * It takes up to an hour for Slurm to upate this information in its database, so be patient 
 +  * If you don't specify a start, nor an end date, yesterday's date will be used. 
 +  * The CPU time is the time that was allocated to you. It doesn't matter if the CPU was actually used or not. So let's say you ask for 15min allocation, then do nothing for 3 minutes then run 1 CPU at 100% for 4 minutes and exit the allocation, then 7 minutes will be added to your CPU time. 
 +Tip : If you absolutely need a report including your job that ran on the same day, you can override the default end date by forcing tomorrow's date : 
 +sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser user=$USER start=2019-09-01 end=$(date --date="tomorrow" +%Y-%m-%d) -t seconds 
hpc/accounting.1727353860.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/26 12:31 by Yann Sagon