This is an old revision of the document!
On the Dashboard page click on the + button
Select the template for the VM. For the Linux make sure you have the ssh public key configured on yout account
Enter a name for the vm
Select Hardware ressources. If you don't know what to allocate, start with low ressources (default values) you can still upgrade afterwards
Add a network interface
Select the network You have the choise to use :
- private network : in this case the vm will be accessible from the unige network or vpn but it's more secure.
- public network : with this configuration the VM is accessible directly form internet without any security. You will need to setup the firewall and take care of security.
Add only one interface ! don’t presse again on “+Netowrk Interface”
Select the storage :
Go back to the top and click on create
Wait a couple of minutes, until the status is “running”
Now you can connect to the vm. Using the ip shown on the interface :
Then you can login with your ssh private key If you need information on how to use your private key. You can follow the documentation : use private ssh key on windows