Table of Contents
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HPC User Documentation
Welcome on UNIGE's High Performance Computing (HPC) Baobab service documentation. You will find here all the information you need to use the unige's clusters Baobab, Yggdrasil, Bamboo and get started.
In the documentation, when we talk about Baobab we may refer as the HPC service or one of our cluster.. Baobab.
Before accessing our HPC clusters, you need to :
- Have an account - if you don't have one yet, request an account here.
- Read and agree to the Terms of Use
HPC clusters at UNIGE
Use the HPC resources
- How to use Linux - for Linux beginners
- How our clusters work - description of the HPC environment
- Access the clusters - how to connect with SSH or X2Go, transfer files
- Applications and libraries - how to use module to load the available applications on our clusters
- Storage - where to store your data on the different storage available on the clusters
- Data Life cycle - How to manage your data
- Slurm and job management - how to request computing resources with Slurm
- Resource utilization and accounting - cpu hours used, utilization reporting
- Best practices - best practices and smart use of the HPC resources
- HPC team - HPC team and local HPC contact
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Other resources
- VDI Infrastructure - for GPU computation that cannot be done on the clusters
Support - get help
- FAQ : First of all, check the FAQ for general questions and troubleshooting.
- Still couldn't find what you need ?
- use the search engine (use
to only search HPC related pages) - check the detailed Table of content.
- The Glossary if everything sounds like gibberish.
- Forum/Community (recommended) : The HPC community forum is the preferred way to ask a question if you didn't find a solution here. The forum is quite active and it is the best way to ask for help, share, or discuss with the community.
- Please use the Support>issue category and follow the template for any problems you encounter.
- HPC-Lunch : First Thursday of each months, you can join our zoom session to discuss with us about HPC. More here
- Email : For any other requests (confidential questions, meeting request, etc.) you can contact the HPC team by email (see below)
For more general information about the HPC at UNIGE and eResearch : unige.ch/eresearch/hpc (Digital infrastructures and services for research)
hpc/start.1723798118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/16 08:48 by Adrien Albert